Call for abstracts

16-08-2019 10:21:49

Submit a brief abstract of your or your group's presentation(s), and your approximate time requirements. Please also indicate the full name and affiliation of the person(s) who will be making the presentation. As above, please submit your titles and abstracts through the online system.
Submission of abstracts will undergo a more detailed review process. Not all abstracts will be accepted for oral presentation.

However we are initiating both poster presentations as well as oral – those individuals who have not been accepted for oral presentation will still have the opportunity to display and talk about their work. Individuals are welcome to submit abstracts, but we will be focusing on joint presentations by ongoing projects.

 The submission deadline is Friday November 17, 2023


  • - Your submissions should not exceed 500 words.
  • - Your abstract should be saved as a Microsoft Word-compatible file or PDF.
  • - Paper/Presentation title.
  • - Name, institute affiliation, and all authors.